As webmaster I get sent many emails from ex-TVGS pupils containing recollections or other information about past pupils and staff that I'm sure would be of interest to other ex-TVGS pupils and staff, but of course I don't know who would be interested in what!

To this end an email group has been set up to enable anyone with an interest in TVGS to submit (and read others') information about TVGS, ex-pupils and staff, or just general chatter of interest to other members.

Should you join this group, any email you send in to it will be automatically sent to all other members of the group. Likewise, anything any of the other members send in will be sent to all members including you! Emails can be received progressively, or in the form of a daily digest. Alternatively, all messages may be read on a bulletin board.

You can choose to read what you want, delete what you don't, and follow up anything of interest with the author or other members of the group. You can unsubscribe at any time if the forum doesn't suit your needs, or if the traffic gets too heavy!

There are currently well over 100 Old Thamesians subscribed. All subscribers have access to the list of subscribers and their email addresses.

To join this select group of Old Thamesians, follow the instructions below:

  • Click here to join the HancExorna discussion group!