
An Old Thamesians' Reunion has been arranged for Saturday 13th September 2008 7.30-11.00pm at the school.

Entitled 'This Could Be The Last Time' it's to celebrate the 80th anniversary of the school opening "since the centenary could well prove to be a quieter affair!"

It's £25 per ticket (wives/husbands/partners welcome) to include buffet and free bar, a book on the history of the school ("any info and reminiscences to contribute please contact the author Colin Hines at chines@dial.pipex.com or on 0208 892 5051") and a DVD including a tour of the school and its use in a film, the best of the memorabilia, plus interviews with former staff. These are also available to OTs unable to attend the reunion at a cost of £6 including p&p.

A few minutes of the highlights from this DVD will be shown in the Hall and mystery guests willl play some music.

500 tickets to be allocated on a first come, first served basis.

Applications for tickets to be sent to Rowan Garnier, Fir Lodge, Little Bookham, Surrey KT23 3HR